Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Art of Repurposing

In these times of having to stretch the dollar everyone everywhere is probably stepping back and taking a long hard look at the objects that they are getting ready to throw away. They are most likely asking themselves, "Can I reuse this? Is it worth repurposing?"

If you spent any amount of time with your grandparents while you were growing up you might have seen lots of repurposing going on. I picked up the habit of keeping and finding new uses for butter tubs. Both of my grandmothers did this all the time. It drives my husband a bit crazy but it does save him money when compared to my buying lots of Tupperware or bead storage containers.

Keeping in step with the times, StitchMap recently had a repurposing contest. The ladies of StitchMap were asked to send from 1-3 pictures of items that they had repurposed. They were to tell the original function or use of the item and then share how they converted it to use for needle work. There were 20 ladies that answered this challenge. Between them they shared 39 great ideas for repurposing everything from tape rolls and ice cream cartons to rain gutter sections and furniture pieces. Many of the ideas were truly inspired!

All of the ideas were so great that we took the names of the ladies who so generously shared and put them into a drawing to win some great prizes. We had two winners:

Erica C. - who shared how she repurposed some silverware divider trays for storing sewing supplies in her drawers. They held everything from pins & needles to knitting needles, scissors to rotary cutters and so much more.

Ginny M. - who shared how she took a walk in closet and converted it to a place for her computer and sewing supplies. The shelf was lined in storage containers for beads and supplies and there were plenty of peg boards filled with spools of thread mounted on the walls. There was even room for her computer! This was less expensive than adding on a new addition!

Another idea shared was from Merle R. of Australia. She used a half gallon ice cream carton and repurposed it as a current project box. She simply cleaned it well and then added a decorative fabric covering. She carries her current project and supplies around without worry.

Theresa E. showed us how she uses peg style clothes pins as bobbins for her silk ribbon and her laces. Here is a picture of her silk ribbon wound on the newly repurposed "bobbins".

The final idea we would like to share with you is from Rhonda P. She loves to keep her spools of satin, wired & novelty ribbons stored in some repurposed rain gutters that her husband cut and capped the ends of for her. He then mounted them on the wall in her sewing room. This keeps everything fairly tidy and within easy reach.

If you would like to know all the other great ideas that were shared during this contest just join StitchMAP and check out the Photos in the Repurposing Album. We learn so much from each other it is amazing!

Lyn G.........Ms Mischief.